
Da ScoutWiki, il wiki sullo scautismo.
< Utente:AironBot
Versione del 10 ago 2008 alle 13:30 di Airon90 (discussione | contributi) (Nuova pagina: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This is an automatically generated file. You can find more configuration parameters in 'config.py' file. # The family of sites we are working on. wikipedia...)
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  1. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  1. This is an automatically generated file. You can find more configuration parameters in 'config.py' file.
  1. The family of sites we are working on. wikipedia.py will import
  2. families/xxx_family.py so if you want to change this variable,
  3. you need to write such a file.

family = 'scoutwiki'

  1. The language code of the site we're working on.

mylang = 'it'

  1. The dictionary usernames should contain a username for each site where you
  2. have a bot account.

usernames['scoutwiki']['it'] = u'AironBot'

                            1. LOGFILE SETTINGS ##############
  1. Defines for which scripts a logfile should be enabled. Logfiles will be
  2. saved in the 'logs' subdirectory.
  3. Example:
  4. log = ['interwiki', 'weblinkchecker', 'table2wiki']
  5. It is also possible to enable logging for all scripts, using this line:
  6. log = ['*']
  7. To disable all logging, use this:
  8. log = []
  9. Per default, logging of interwiki.py is enabled because its logfiles can
  10. be used to generate so-called warnfiles.
  11. This setting can be overridden by the -log or -nolog command-line arguments.

log = ['interwiki']

                            1. INTERWIKI SETTINGS ##############
  1. Should interwiki.py report warnings for missing links between foreign
  2. languages?

interwiki_backlink = True

  1. Should interwiki.py display every new link it discovers?

interwiki_shownew = True

  1. Should interwiki.py output a graph PNG file on conflicts?
  2. You need pydot for this: http://dkbza.org/pydot.html

interwiki_graph = False

  1. Specifies that the robot should process that amount of subjects at a time,
  2. only starting to load new pages in the original language when the total
  3. falls below that number. Default is to process (at least) 100 subjects at
  4. once.

interwiki_min_subjects = 100

  1. If interwiki graphs are enabled, which format(s) should be used?
  2. Supported formats include png, jpg, ps, and svg. See:
  3. http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html
  4. If you want to also dump the dot files, you can use this in your
  5. user-config.py:
  6. interwiki_graph_formats = ['dot', 'png']
  7. If you need a PNG image with an HTML image map, use this:
  8. interwiki_graph_formats = ['png', 'cmap']
  9. If you only need SVG images, use:
  10. interwiki_graph_formats = ['svg']

interwiki_graph_formats = ['png']

  1. You can post the contents of your autonomous_problems.dat to the wiki,
  2. e.g. to http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Interwiki-Konflikte .
  3. This allows others to assist you in resolving interwiki problems.
  4. To help these people, you can upload the interwiki graphs to your
  5. webspace somewhere. Set the base URL here, e.g.:
  6. 'http://www.example.org/~yourname/interwiki-graphs/'

interwiki_graph_url = None

  1. Save file with local articles without interwikis.

without_interwiki = False

                            1. SOLVE_DISAMBIGUATION SETTINGS ############
  1. Set disambiguation_comment[FAMILY][LANG] to a non-empty string to override
  2. the default edit comment for the solve_disambiguation bot.
  3. Use %s to represent the name of the disambiguation page being treated.
  4. Example:
  5. disambiguation_comment['wikipedia']['en'] = \
  6. "Robot-assisted disambiguation (you can help!): %s"

sort_ignore_case = False

                            1. IMAGE RELATED SETTINGS ##############
  1. If you set this to True, images will be uploaded to Wikimedia
  2. Commons by default.

upload_to_commons = False

                            1. TABLE CONVERSION BOT SETTINGS ##############
  1. will split long paragraphs for better reading the source.
  2. only table2wiki.py use it by now

splitLongParagraphs = False

  1. sometimes HTML-tables are indented for better reading.
  2. That can do very ugly results.

deIndentTables = True

  1. table2wiki.py works quite stable, so you might switch to True

table2wikiAskOnlyWarnings = True table2wikiSkipWarnings = False

                            1. WEBLINK CHECKER SETTINGS ##############
  1. How many external links should weblinkchecker.py check at the same time?
  2. If you have a fast connection, you might want to increase this number so
  3. that slow servers won't slow you down.

max_external_links = 50

report_dead_links_on_talk = False

                            1. DATABASE SETTINGS ##############

db_hostname = 'localhost' db_username = 'wikiuser' db_password =

                            1. SEARCH ENGINE SETTINGS ##############
  1. Some scripts allow querying Google via the Google Web API. To use this feature,
  2. you must install the pyGoogle module from http://pygoogle.sf.net/ and have a
  3. Google Web API license key. Note that Google doesn't give out license keys
  4. anymore.

google_key =

  1. Some scripts allow using the Yahoo! Search Web Services. To use this feature,
  2. you must install the pYsearch module from http://pysearch.sourceforge.net/
  3. and get a Yahoo AppID from http://developer.yahoo.com

yahoo_appid =

  1. To use Windows Live Search web service you must get an AppID from
  2. http://search.msn.com/developer

msn_appid =

                            1. COPYRIGHT SETTINGS ##############
  1. Enable/disable search engine in copyright.py script

copyright_google = True copyright_yahoo = True copyright_msn = False

  1. Perform a deep check, loading URLs to search if 'Wikipedia' is present.
  2. This may be useful to improve number of correct results. If you haven't
  3. a fast connection, you might want to keep they disabled.

copyright_check_in_source_google = False copyright_check_in_source_yahoo = False copyright_check_in_source_msn = False

  1. Web pages may content a Wikipedia text without 'Wikipedia' word but with
  2. typical '[edit]' tag result of copy & paste procedure. You can want no
  3. report for this kind of URLs, even if they are copyright violation.
  4. However, when enabled these URLs are logged in a file.

copyright_check_in_source_section_names = False

  1. Limit number of queries for page.

copyright_max_query_for_page = 25

  1. Skip a specified number of queries

copyright_skip_query = 0

  1. Number of attempts on connection error.

copyright_connection_tries = 10

  1. Behavior if an exceeded error occur.
  2. Possibilities:
  3. 0 = None
  4. 1 = Disable search engine
  5. 2 = Sleep (default)
  6. 3 = Stop

copyright_exceeded_in_queries = 2 copyright_exceeded_in_queries_sleep_hours = 6

  1. Append last modified date of URL to script result

copyright_show_date = True

  1. Append length of URL to script result

copyright_show_length = True

  1. By default the script try to identify and skip text that contents a wide
  2. comma separated list or only numbers. But sometimes that might be the
  3. only part unmodified of a slightly edited and not otherwise reported
  4. copyright violation. You can disable this feature to try to increase
  5. number of results.

copyright_economize_query = True

                            1. FURTHER SETTINGS ##############
  1. The bot can make some additional changes to each page it edits, e.g. fix
  2. whitespace or positioning of interwiki and category links.
  1. This is an experimental feature; handle with care and consider re-checking
  2. each bot edit if enabling this!

cosmetic_changes = False

  1. If cosmetic changes are switched on, and you also have several accounts at
  2. projects where you're not familiar with the local conventions, you probably
  3. only want the bot to do cosmetic changes on your "home" wiki which you
  4. specified in config.mylang and config.family.
  5. If you want the bot to also do cosmetic changes when editing a page on a
  6. foreign wiki, set cosmetic_changes_mylang_only to False, but be careful!

cosmetic_changes_mylang_only = True

  1. Use the experimental disk cache to prevent huge memory usage

use_diskcache = False

  1. End of configuration section